Lego lord of the rings walkthrough berserker
Lego lord of the rings walkthrough berserker

lego lord of the rings walkthrough berserker

Treasure Hunter: This rune gives Vayne a decent boost of cash every time she gets a takedown on an enemy champion for the first time. That slight health advantage could make the difference between a won two-vs-two against your opposing AD carry. Taste of Blood: Vayne might need a bit of self-sustain in the early laning phase, which is where Taste of Blood comes in. You could also, however, pick Cut Down when facing off against tankier compositions with hefty frontlines so you have enough damage should they get a bit fed. Legend: Alacrity: To boost Vayne’s damage even further down the line in a game, Alacrity’s ramping bonus attack speed will be useful to continuously hit your Silver Bolt passive.Ĭoup de Grace: Coup de Grace is a good pick for the final rune since it gives you more execution power when popping enemies with your true damage passive. The instant 12-percent healing from Triumph gives players a chance to keep rolling forward while ramping up with attack speed from Lethal Tempo.

lego lord of the rings walkthrough berserker

The champion does a ton of damage and can burst down squishy champions easily. Triumph: Since Vayne loves to be in the thick of things during late-game teamfights and skirmishes, Triumph is a great choice to make when trying to snowball kills one after the other. Since Vayne scales well with items and levels, Lethal Tempo’s ramping bonus attack speed and range will give her enough tools to burst down a target with relative safety. As a result, she’ll want to dish out as many auto-attacks in a trade or teamfight before having to reposition with her Tumble. Lethal Tempo: Vayne’s damage relies on activating her W ability’s passive, which deals true damage on every consecutive attack on an enemy champion.

Lego lord of the rings walkthrough berserker